NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is a discounted, collective buying program for organic farming and gardening supplies. Shop Online now through February 28, 2019. Mail order catalog coming soon.
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Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Organic Vegetable Gardening Workshop Series
Apply to Participate in the Farm Share Program
Are you certified organic, a member of NOFA-NH and have a CSA? If so, apply to participate in our Farm Share Program for financial assistance providing a subsidized farm share to limited-income individuals and families. Applications due February 15, 2019.
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Happy Holidays from NOFA-NH!
Thank you to Umami Farm Fresh Cafe for welcoming NOFA-NH Staff, Board Members, and guests for a lovely holiday gathering!
Get Your Tickets Now: Early Bird Pricing for Winter Conference Ends SOON!
Spend Saturday, February 8th, 2020 with us at NOFA-NH's 18th Annual Winter Conference! Early Bird Registration ends December 27th, so get your tickets now before prices increase! Attendees can look forward to fun, educational workshops, book signings, delicious food, the Green Market Fair and a keynote by author and farmer Steve Gabriel. Gabriel's keynote address is titled "Silvopasture in a Changing Climate" and will include historical narratives, case studies, and the latest research outlining how we can rapidly establish silvopasture for a livable future.

NOFA-NH Bulk Order Online Store Coming Soon!
NOFA-NH's annual Spring Bulk Order is a collective buying program for organic farming and gardening supplies. Small-scale gardeners and large-scale farmers can participate. There is no minimum order. The update of our online store is nearly complete and ordering will be enabled before the end of the year. You can order online or mail in a form that will be available when the online store update is complete.

Save the Date for NOFA-NH's Feeding the Family Organic Gardening Series
Ron Christie will be back again in 2020 for another year of his "Feeding the Family" Organic Gardening Series! Ron is passionate about teaching people how to grow their own nutritious organic food for better health and well-being. He is an avid four-season grower and loves sharing his experiences as a gardener and farmer. This series will include 9 workshops that touch on vegetable garden planning, healthy soil, container and raised bed gardening, a four-season harvest, and much more! Details and dates for each workshop will be available on our website soon.

Understanding Organic Pricing And Costs of Production
National Center for Appropriate Technology has released an updated version of their 2012 ATTRA - Sustainable Agriculture publication "Understanding Organic Pricing and Costs of Production." This publication provides resources to compare organic and non-organic agricultural prices, discusses organic production costs, and offers tips on how to set organic crop prices.

Interested in Starting a CSA? New Resource Explains Ins & Outs of CSA Operations
NCAT Northeast's Daniel Prial has released a newly updated version of ATTRA - Sustainable Agriculture's publication "Community Supported Agriculture." Written for farmers interested in adding a CSA operation to their farm or getting the latest info on where CSA is today, this updated version focuses on why community supported agriculture can help farm businesses and how a farm can integrate community supported agriculture into its business model.

In the Midst of Climate Change, Organic Fights Back
According to a recent article from The Organic Report, “the food system accounts for approximately 20 to 30 percent of human-made greenhouse gasses emitted globally, and most of those emissions are directly tied to agriculture.” Luckily, organic agriculture is facing the issue head-on. Through reforestation efforts in the Peruvian Amazon, developing more environmentally friendly product packaging, reducing food waste, and more, individuals and companies throughout the organic movement are coming together to reduce climate change.

Update On Policy For Pollinators Protection In MA and NH
This article from Beyond Pesticides offers an insightful update on the current standing of pollinators legislation in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts, including the recently stalled HB646 Saving New Hampshire's Pollinators Act. In addition to a critical look at how this and other Massachusetts measures for pollinators protection have moved through legislatures, suggestions are also given on how citizens can get involved and support pollinators-friendly policy in their own states and communities.

Join Us! NOFA-NH Seeks New Board Members in the New Year
NOFA-NH is seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our fun and dynamic volunteer Board of Directors! Our Board Members have the unique opportunity to help shape NOFA-NH’s programming, support our staff, and have a lasting impact on New Hampshire’s organic farmers, gardeners and eaters. Ready to learn more? Please contact Nikki Kolb at nikki@nofanh.org or (603) 224-5022. You can read more about our existing Board of Directors and Staff here.

Your Donation Matters! Give to NOFA-NH This Holiday Season!
NOFA-NH is an important source of education, promotion, and healthy food for so many. As a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to supporting New Hampshire’s organic farming community, NOFA-NH serves our state’s organic farmers, gardeners, land care professionals, educators, and eaters by providing programs that champion environmental and human health through farming, gardening, soil health, nutrition, food access, and land care practices.
Your gift of any amount helps NOFA-NH continue to provide programs that improve our foods, our health, our communities, and our climate! Please make your contribution today, and consider making your gift a recurring donation.
THANK YOU For a Great Membership Drive Month!
A warm THANK YOU goes to all who helped make NOFA-NH's November Member Drive such a success! We nearly reached our goal, with a final count of 38 new and renewing members in November alone. We are grateful for every single one of you and are excited to move into the new year with a robust membership community!
Did you miss our November Membership Drive but still want to help us reach our goal? There's still time! Check out a list of member benefits.

Meet Our Members: Introducing Dan Lagueux and Hip Peas Farm
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and farm-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of our members and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in November & December 2019.
Renewing Members: Amy Agostino, Lorna Austin, Captain Woodbury Guest House, Cheshire Garden, Diane Clary, Farms and Barns, Anthony and Glynn Graham, Margeret Hartz, Honey Bunny Homestead, Lisa Hudon, Dorothy McCagg, Mildred’s Drumlin Farm, Mountain Heartbeet, Brittany Phillips, Carl Querfurth, Jen Risley, Stonewall Farm
New Members: Camp Birch Hill, Carl Davis, Cindall Morrison, Jess Gerrior, Sierra Club New Hampshire, Terra Niche, Wheelhouse Web Solutions
Stonewall Farm Seeks Herd Manager
Stonewall Farm, a non-profit educational farm in Keene, NH seeks a Herd Manager responsible for its' organic dairy herd. Qualified applicant will have 5 years experience including a proven track record of AI, milk quality and production, herd health, nutrition and grazing. Email cover letter and resume with salary requirements to jdavenson@stonewallfarm. No calls or drop-ins please.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, December 17: Farmer Resources and Technology to Address Climate Change Webinar
Wednesday, January 8: Creating a Sales Forecast for Your Agricultural Business, Concord, NH
Friday, January 10: A Regional Gathering for Glyphosate Reduction & Organic Solutions, Worcester, MA
Saturday, January 11: 33rd NOFA/Mass Winter Conference, Worcester, MA
Tuesday, January 14: NOFA-NH Board Meeting, Concord, NH
Wednesday, January 15: Creating a Sales Forecast for Your Agricultural Business, Concord, NH
Wednesday, January 22: Creating a Sales Forecast for Your Agricultural Business, Concord, NH
Saturday, February 8: NOFA-NH's 18th Annual Winter Conference, North Sutton, NH
February 15-17: 38th Annual NOFA-VT Winter Conference, Burlington, VT
What's happening in neighboring states?
NOFA/Mass Events | NOFA-VT Events | MOFGA Events
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