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 Organic Certification Support

Organic Certification had a shift in New Hampshire this year.


There are several Accredited Certifying Agency's (ACA) that certify farms and processors in the state, therefore organic certification of NH Farms is continuing and available to all farms interested in organic certification.


NH_ACAs (1).jpg

To maintain your Organic Certification

NHDAMF mailed out a letter in February, 2024 to all their certified organic operators explaining the closing of the organic program at NHDAMF and providing instructions on what farmers need to do.



Dated Feb 27, 2024


As a NHDAMF Certified farmer you must either:


1) Transfer your organic certification to another ACA to maintain your organic certified status


2) Surrender your organic certificate to NHDAMF.

If you have not completed one of the steps above, you received a letter of non-compliance from NHDAMF.

Read below about next steps to address that letter. 

Use the forms below to verify (Verification Form) that you are transferring your organic certification to another ACA or

Surrender your organic certificate using the Surrender Form.


NOFA-NH is here to help farmers with either. Contact Us.

Fill out this form and submit to NHDAMF within 30days of receiving your non-compliance letter or ASAP to maintain your organic certification and stay in compliance with NOP.
Use this form to Surrender your organic certification.  You will no longer be able to state that your products are certified organic.

NOFA-NH is offering technical assistance to any farmers needing help with this process.

Please refer to the Fact Sheet below for whom to contact or reach out to our office,

at 603-224-5022 or email

If you have transferred your Organic Certification?

There is one more step!

Email the National Organic Program at to let them know you have completed the transfer process and your new ACA you.  If you have your Certification number, include it. If not, look it up HERE.

Not following through with these steps could change your status to suspended. If you were to choose to recertify, there would be more things that would need to be done to recertify.

NOFA-NH has prepared a Fact Sheet explaining the steps to transfer your organic certification to another ACA or surrender your Organic Certificate. Read our Fact Sheet, available in the link below. This sheet was emailed to organic farmers currently certified with NHDAMF on Feb 28, 2024. 

There is a Regional ACA Pricing Comparison along with letters and information from each of the Regional ACAs below. For a complete list of ACAs that currently certify in NH, please refer to the Fact Sheet.

Transitioning to Organic

Stout Oak Farm, NOFA July 14, 2022 (18 of 51).jpg

NOFA-NH offers programs and resources to help farmers through the organic certification transition process: the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP).
Through TOPP, NOFA-NH runs a mentorship program to support transitioning farmers for a year or more and offers technical assistance to transitioning and already certified producers. 



Stay connected in the organic community. 


NOFA-NH offers many ways to stay connected in every season.


On-Farm workshops are happening during the summer and fall.

Winter brings our Winter Conference, Bulk Order and many virtual events.

Spring opens up more programs with our organic gardening series.

Check out our Fun on the Farm events for family to experience farms first-hand.


The Farmers Organic Roundtable is ongoing throughout the year on the Third Thursday of each month and a great way to connect with organic farmers, get technical assistance, and build community.


Organic certification is part of what organic is all about. Join in the community to help build a movement around organic that supports all aspects of the meaning of being an organic producer and eater.

Together, we can build organic community in NH.


NOFA-NH is continuing to advocate for the organic farming community,

to seek feedback, and to provide support for organic farmers.

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