Volunteer Farmer Needed for State Committee Overseeing the Health of NH's Rivers
Here's an important opportunity for one of NOFA-NH's farmer members or supporters to help steward the health of New Hampshire's precious waterways at the state level as well as through their local farming practices. NOFA-NH is seeking to nominate a volunteer representative to the New Hampshire Rivers Management Advisory Committee (RMAC).
The RMAC is a legislatively created body charged to work with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to administer RSA 483, the Rivers Management and Protection Program. The Governor and Council appointed Committee is composed of representatives not only from agriculture, but also from business, hydroelectric, municipal government, water supply, conservation, recreation, fish and game, and historical interests. The RMAC advises on matters pertaining to river management throughout the state. Read more about RMAC here.
RMAC members must be New Hampshire residents, and serve three-year terms on the committee. The committee generally meets quarterly for 2 to 3 hours. The representative should be a farmer who has an appreciation of the role of rivers (but does not need to be scientifically trained), and be able to attend most meetings (just 3 to 4 per year).
If interested, please submit a letter of interest along with a resume or CV to info@nofanh.org.
If there is someone you believe NOFA-NH should contact about this position, please email us and let us know, and kindly spread the word about this significant opportunity to protect NH's rivers!