NOFA-NH E-Newsletter: June 2022
Sign up for our Monthly E-News here.
Dear Friend of NOFA-NH,
Summer is nearly here, bringing with it the beginnings of an abundant season of local, fresh, and delicious foods. While we have much to be grateful for in our organic farming community this time of year, we also acknowledge that the news has been heavy this past month. The recent mass shooting in Buffalo, NY took the lives of 10 people and left 3 individuals wounded at the hands of a white supremacist. No one should die while grocery shopping. The Buffalo Food Equity Network (BFEN) and their partners put out a media advisory calling for an end to white supremacy and anti-blackness, acknowledging the roles that both intentional and systemic racism, in addition to food insecurity and historic disinvestment in Black communities played in this horrific attack. To invest in Black-led organizations working to end food apartheid and violence in Buffalo, visit this list.
You can find a list of Black-owned businesses to support right in New Hampshire here. Continue to celebrate the Black community in the Granite State by joining The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire for a Juneteenth event.
June is National Dairy Month - please join us in celebrating and supporting the dynamic and vibrant local, organic dairies of the Granite State for the month of June and beyond. All month long, we are sharing our guide to “Keeping NH Dairy Heritage Beautiful, Delicious, & Strong” on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
June is also Pride Month! The Queer Farmer Network is highlighting LGBTQIA+ farmers across the country on their Instagram all month long. You can donate to the Queer Farmer Network, who is raising funds to cover the cost of travel and registration for QTBIPOC farmers to their Queer Farmer Convergence, here.
With local strawberries popping up across farmers’ markets, food co-ops, and pick-your-own farms, the first tastes of the summer season are making their way to our plates. Now is a great time to review the 2022 EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce — strawberries are at the top of the list! To avoid exposure to these pesky pesticides, buy organic whenever possible and ask your local farmers about their growing practices.
To visit local producers, you can check out local food guides from organizations like the Merrimack County Conservation District and Seacoast Harvest. Looking for organic produce? Visit our Organic Farm & Food Map to locate certified organic produce, dairy, meat, and more. For an even deeper dive into the gifts of the season, explore Indigenous NH’s Summer Harvest Calendar.
NOFA-NH is gearing up to bring you lots of great programming this summer, including the first of our 2022 CRAFT Tours, 50th Anniversary Events, and the NOFA Summer Conference. We look forward to seeing you there!
Until then, happy growing!
Yours in Good Health & Healthy Food,
Last Chance: Fill Out the Voice of Our Members Survey by 6/19
We’ve extended the deadline to fill out the Voice of Our Members Survey to Sunday, June 19th! There’s still time to share your thoughts on our programs, educational offerings, policy priorities, and more. The estimated time to complete the survey is about 5-7 minutes.
Take the survey here. We appreciate your feedback today and always!
CRAFT Tour at Stout Oak Farm 7/14
We are excited to announce our first Collaborative Regional Alliances for Farmer Training (CRAFT) tour of the 2022 season! CRAFT is a national program of small, independent regional alliances focused on peer-to-peer training for farmers, farm workers, interns and apprentices.
Join NOFA-NH and farmer Kate Donald on July 14th for a tour of Stout Oak Farm and learn more about various strategies for recordkeeping and team development to improve long-term planning on your farm! Tours are free for farmers, farm workers and NOFA-NH members. Pricing for all other learners is based on a sliding scale, from $5-15. Pre-registration is required.

Registration for 50th Anniversary Events is Open!
Join us for a delicious, local, and organic centered farm to table dinner and fundraiser at Colby Hill Inn on Saturday, August 27th from 4:00 PM – 9:30 PM, and spend an afternoon with us at an outdoor, family friendly pizza party with live music and a farm tour on Saturday, October 1st from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at Brookford Farm.
Discover our 50th anniversary archive, find more details, and register for these events at www.nofanh.org/50thanniversary.

Conversations with the Founders
In the months leading up to our 50th Anniversary Celebration, we invite you to celebrate and reflect on 50 years of the Northeast Organic Farming Association through our "Conversations with the Founders" video series. For the month of June, we are featuring our interview with Gary Hirshberg, an early Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) volunteer, and early partner in the successful dairy company, Stonyfield.

NOFA Summer Conference Registration is Open!
The 48th annual NOFA Summer Conference is scheduled to be in person at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA August 5-7. The conference theme is Decolonizing and Regrowing Food Systems – The Work of Our Time, and we hope you’ll join us to explore this and many other rich topics with your peers.

Register here.

Winter Conference Recordings Now Available to the Public
Recordings from our 20th annual virtual NOFA-NH Winter Conference are now available to the public!
You can peruse many hours of thought-provoking content and expert instruction here.

$2,087.64 Raised in April at the Concord Food Co-op
Concord Food Co-op's Round-It-Up at the Register program empowers shoppers to round their purchase to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to a partnered nonprofit organization each month.
A big thank you to all the shoppers who rounded up during the month of April - you raised $2,087.64 for NOFA-NH!

Industrial & Municipal Sludge - and Food?
This Union Leader article reports that in the wake of rising fertilizer prices, some farmers across NH are turning to sludge from wastewater treatment plants as a replacement.
Sludge poses significant environmental dangers, including the potential to contaminate soil with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These forever chemicals are toxic to human health and the environment
Recently in Maine, groundwater and well water at some farms exceeded state PFAS standards by factors in the hundreds.
Maine Legislature passed a bill in April banning the application of sludge that contains any amount of PFAS on farmland.
While NH has required tests for PFAS in sludge since 2017, the Department of Environmental Safety won’t establish standards until late 2023. Currently, sludge in NH cannot be rejected because of PFAS levels.
We at NOFA-NH stand against the spreading of PFAS containing sludge from municipal and industrial operations on farmland. If you would like to stand with us, please consider joining our Policy Committee. Learn more here.
*The Union Leader allows access to a limited number of articles per month without a subscription.

Celebrate World Bee Day
About 75% of the world’s crops rely on pollinators to flower, fruit, and reproduce. To raise awareness about the importance of pollinators and the threats they face due to harmful agricultural practices and climate change, the United Nations designated May 20th as World Bee Day in 2018.
Celebrate by learning more about our pollinators and how to support them by getting your Pollinator-Friendly Garden Certification, encouraging your kids to Create a Pollinator Garden at Laconia Public Library, or attending a zoom discussion on Native Plants and the Pollinators They Attract.

Kearsarge Tray It Forward Seedling Program
Year three of the Tray it Forward program is underway in the Kearsarge area! Local partners of the FEED Kearsarge Initiative are coordinating the growing and distribution of seedling trays to share with neighbors struggling with food insecurity. Last year 375 seedling trays containing 7,824 plants made their way to families in need and community garden sites in 12 local towns.
There are two ways to get involved with this program: register for a garden in a tray or sponsor a garden in a tray!

Nominate a Farm for NH Dairy Farm of the Year
The NH Dairy Farm of the Year Program originated through the New England Green Pastures program in 1948. Today the criteria have broadened to include herd management, public image, environmental practices, community involvement, and more.
Please send nominations directly to John Porter at john.porter@unh.edu.

Building the Local Food Shed
Catch up on opportunities and practical details about farm to institution purchasing with this free webinar recorded in spring. Hear from representatives of the NH Food Hub Network, NH Farm to School, and NH Hunger Solutions about developments in these crucial sectors of NH’s growing local food system.
You might also enjoy this article which explores some of the transformative models for feeding our school children that are being tested and developed in other states. These programs' goals include providing healthier food through practices that are cost effective, job-rich, more localized, and even more dependable than current methods of delivery.

Early Bird Registration for the 2022 Radically Rural Summit
Radically Rural builds powerful networks of passionate, engaged, innovative people willing to share ideas and resources and take action to strengthen their rural communities across the country. The Radically Rural Summit is set to take place September 21-22 in Keene, NH with virtual and in-person options.
Get your early bird tickets here.

CISA's May 19 SNAP Training for Farm Employees
Does your farm stand or farmers' market accept SNAP? Make sure your staff are ready to accept SNAP this summer by having them attend CISA's SNAP employee training.
This training is for employees who will be processing SNAP transactions and is open to all staff of farm businesses that accept SNAP. Employees will learn SNAP basics including what EBT cards look like, what items are SNAP eligible, and how to run a SNAP transaction. Attendees will come away knowing how SNAP works and how to run a transaction successfully and legally on Conduent and TotilPay machines.

Voluntarily Enroll in Organic Fraud Protection
Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions is a voluntary program to help organic businesses minimize or eliminate organic fraud. The program is based on buyer responsibility and supply chain management and provides companies with a risk-based process for developing and implementing an organic fraud prevention plan. When USDA’s Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule is finalized, all certified organic operations will be required to have an Organic Fraud Prevention Plan included in their Organic System Plan.
Enroll in Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions now so that your business is ready for the requirement.

Food Systems, the Planet, & International Politics
Here are three resources concerning the current state of the world food system. Each offers very different, yet sometimes complementary, frames for action and understanding, particularly in the search for social justice and ecological responsibility regarding food:
Summaries and videos from The Soil Association’s April 2022 Agroecology Conference in England
A clear-eyed assessment of the current food system from Jim Goodman, dairy farmer and President of the National Family Farm Coalition
This report considering buen vivir and indigeneity offering a deep dive into the future of food

Pilot Light Food Education Fellowship
Pilot Light, a USDA Farm to School grantee whose food education lessons have been delivered in classrooms across the country for 11 years, offers a paid fellowship to invest in PreK-12th grade teacher leaders who are committed to integrating food education into their regular classroom instruction. In addition to receiving a stipend and one-on-one coaching, fellows are paired with partners in the food space (farms, gardens, community groups) to support student-led advocacy work within their classrooms.
The application for teachers for the 2022-2023 school year is live. Teachers can apply here through May 23rd, 2022.

May Recipe: Curried Rhubarb Ketchup
The ephemeral season of rhubarb drives many of us to use its stalks up in pies, cobblers, and shortcakes, but this tart perennial works surprisingly well in savory applications too! You could substitute the rhubarb in this recipe for the incredibly invasive Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica); if you do, be careful to harvest the young shoots from areas you know were not sprayed with pesticides.
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 onions, diced
1 large red beet, peeled and grated
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons curry powder
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
½ teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
3 pounds rhubarb (or young Japanese knotweed shoots), diced
½ cup maple syrup
Salt & pepper, to taste
¼ cup apple cider vinegar (optional)
In a large stock pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Sauté onions, beet and garlic until fragrant.
Add curry powder, cardamom, ginger, and smoked paprika. Stir constantly to avoid burning as the spices bloom. You can add a little water if they start to stick to the pan.
Add rhubarb (or knotweed) and cook until soft, stirring often. This takes about 20 minutes.
Once the rhubarb has softened, add maple syrup, salt, and pepper.
Using an immersion blender, food processor, or blender, blend the ketchup. Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary. If your ketchup is too thick or you would like a tangier flavor, you can add a little water or apple cider vinegar.
Ladle ketchup into jars and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. This also freezes well or can be canned using a hot water bath. Put on anything you would ketchup and enjoy!

Funding Opportunities
New England Food Vision Prize 2022, Deadline for letter of interest: June 30
Sustainable Agricultural Systems Grant, Application Deadline: July 28

Food System Jobs
Vital Communities is Hiring Two Project Managers
NH Hunger Solutions is Hiring A Regional Community Engagement Coordinator in Southern NH
Newhall Farms is Hiring a Community Farm Manager
NOFA-VT is Hiring a Development Coordinator
UNH Extension is Hiring A Dairy Production State Specialist
Meet Our Members: Phil & Becky Brand of Brandmoore Farm
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. That's why we offer our members with farms and food-related businesses eligibility to be featured in the 'Meet Our Members' e-news column. Each month, we make our community a little closer by introducing you to someone new. Please contact us if you'd like to be featured!
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members or renewed their memberships in April 2022.
New Members:
Tammye Erb, Jennifer Rounds
Renewing Members:
Groh Farm, Hip Peas Farm, New Field Farm, Fowl Manor Farm, Ann & Tom Parziale, Julie Davenson, Ideal Compost Co., Janet Ward, Abenaki Springs Farm
Blacksmith Shop & Equipment Auction (Virtual Link Here)
Posted May 9, 2022: Online auction closes May 20, 2022 @ 10AM. Preview: May 10, 2022. Entire contents of a large blacksmith shop including trip & forging hammers, many anvils, swage blocks, shears, vises, mandrels, forges, hammers and more. Over 500 lots. Thomas Hirchak Co. 800-634-7653. Visit the auction here.
Hillsboro's 250th Anniversary Seeks Farms & Gardens for Tours (Hillsboro, Antrim, & Washington, NH)
Posted May 7, 2022: Hillsboro's 250th Anniversary will include garden, barn and farms tours on Saturday, August 13 in Hillsboro, Antrim, and Washington. If you would like to host a tour and sell your products, please contact Gale Luby at gale_luby@yahoo.com or 603-562-6537.
Ledge Top Farm Seeks Workers (Wilton, NH)
Posted April 29, 2022: Ledge Top Farm located in Wilton, New Hampshire needs workers for the 2022 growing season on a small organic farm. Jobs include plant care, harvesting, packing and selling at farmers markets. Flexible hours and pay. Both outside and greenhouse help are needed. Will train if your experience is limited. Text or call Tom Mitchell at 603-620-7302.
Family Seeks Land for Flower Farm (near Concord, NH)
Posted April 25, 2022: Family of 3 looking to build flower/medicinal herb farm, within 40 minutes of Concord, NH. Family has over 5 years of experience working on farms and 3 years of experience managing a refugee community garden. If you are a landowner looking to sell to someone who values sustainable land management, please contact Kaylin Lustig at 408-502-2409 or purplewonder28@gmail.com.
Vegetable Ranch is Hiring (Warner, NH)
Posted April 13, 2022: Vegetable Ranch is looking to hire hard working individuals for their spring and summer farming season. Flexible hours, full and part-time positions available, possible housing available. If interested please email vegetableranch@gmail.com or call (603) 456-2194.
Windswept Farm Is Hiring (Andover, NH)
Posted April 12, 2022: Would you like to work on a farm this season? Learn and bring your knowledge to growing a variety of vegetables and fruits to be delivered to farmers' market. Email tjgallagher13@yahoo.com for more information and to apply.
Grow Your Profits
Posted March 11, 2022: Keeping honey bees as pollinators will increase your yield! White Mountain Apiary has everything you need to become a successful beekeeper. We offer online beekeeping classes, honey bees, queen bees, beekeeping equipment and support. Visit www.whitemountainapiary.com/store or call 603-444-6661 for more information.
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our Classifieds page and in this newsletter. Not yet members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share your Classified with our community, please contact info@nofanh.org.
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed in these classifieds are those of our members and sponsors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NOFA-NH, its staff, or Board of Directors. We reserve the right to reject content deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for our readership and distribution.
Upcoming Events
May 16 — Organic Research Webinar, (USDA Agricultural Research Service)
May 16 — Birding on the Farm, (CCCD, NRCS, Windham NRCD, Antioch Bird Club, & Vermont Audubon Society)
May 19 — SNAP Training for Farm Employees, (CISA)
May 19 — Native Plants & the Pollinators They Attract, (NH Audubon)
May 19 — Easy Growing Herbs with Maria Noël Groves, (Concord Food Co-op, Wintergreen Botanicals)
May 19 — Create a Pollinator Garden at the Laconia Public Library, (Belknap County 4-H Youth Leadership Team)
May 19 — NH Tree Fruit Twilight Meeting, (Butternut Farm & UNH Extension)
May 22 — Fibersheds & Community (Radically Rural)
May 23 — Watering Your Garden with Drip Irrigation, (UNH Extension)
June 2 — Exploring the Magic of Natural Color: An Introduction to Eco Printing, (Warner Public Market)
June 4 — Herb & Garden Day, (New Hampshire Herbal Network)
June 11 — Buds & Blooms: Pollination, (NH Audubon)
June 18 — Birding on the Farm, (CCCD, NRCS, Windham NRCD, Antioch Bird Club, & Vermont Audubon Society)
June 23 — The Secret Lives of Wild Bees, (NH Audubon)
August 5 - 7 — NOFA Summer Conference
August 27 — NOFA-NH's 50th Anniversary Farm to Table Dinner & Fundraiser
September 21 - 22 — Radically Rural Summit, (Radically Rural)
October 1 — Birding on the Farm, (CCCD, NRCS, Windham NRCD, Antioch Bird Club, & Vermont Audubon Society)
October 1 — NOFA-NH's 50th Anniversary Pizza Party, Fair, & Farm Tour
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