Why Organic Now?
Linking Social Justice to Personal and Planetary Health
A Virtual Panel Discussion
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 | 7 - 8:30 PM
NOFA-NH is proud to present “Why Organic Now? Linking Social Justice to Personal and Planetary Health,” a FREE virtual panel discussion followed by a live Q & A.
Humanity’s connection to one another and the planet is deeply rooted in agriculture. Spanning thousands of years across countless generations, farming is a pillar of society, just as food is an essential element of daily life. NOFA-NH believes that everyone has a right to nutritious, local, and culturally appropriate food. NOFA-NH also believes that those who tend to our food - farmers and farm workers - have a fundamental right to fair labor, fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to resources that will enable them to feed their communities. While holding these beliefs, we're equally aware of the many challenges currently facing our food system, including the troubling persistence of food insecurity, injustice, and the environmental crisis affecting our state and nation.
These challenges have highlighted the importance of organic growing and eating as practical steps for countering unfair labor practices, unhealthy and inaccessible food supplies, and climate change. People in New Hampshire and the Northeast are working together to build an equitable food system that strives to improve economic vitality, resilience, biodiversity, and health for all.
We invite you to join us in a virtual discussion with leaders from around the state and region to explore specific ways that localized, organic, regenerative growing and eating can contribute to the repair of unjust social structures, personal health, and the environment that sustains us.

Diana Carpinone, Non Toxic Dover, NH & Non Toxic Communities
Diana is the mother of one very active boy and the founder of Non Toxic Dover NH. She has been working with her municipality to eliminate toxic pesticides from city spaces since 2013. Diana enjoys nature, gardening, reading, writing, and learning about the diverse scientific issues related to human and environmental health. She is an Accredited Organic Land Care Professional (AOLCP), and a dedicated advocate for safer alternatives to toxic pesticide use. Diana is enthusiastic about promoting an organic soil-based approach for managing landscapes, educating others about the importance of native plant restoration and how local actions can make a real difference with urgent public health and environmental problems. She is looking forward to being a part of the solution by making change on the national level with Non Toxic Communities.

Jameson Small, NASAP Program Manager, Fresh Start Farms, the Organization for Refugee & Immigrant Success (ORIS)
Jameson Small is the Program Manager for the New American Sustainable Agriculture Project (NASAP) at ORIS. He works closely with the Fresh Start Farmers to provide training, technical support, and to develop new markets for all the wonderful produce we grow! Jameson has spent the last 9 years devoted to improving New Hampshire’s food system by managing diverse organic vegetable operations and a farm to table restaurant and bakery. When he is not at the farm, Jameson spends his time sailing with his wife Sarah and their dog June.

Marita Canedo, Migrant Justice
Our mission is to build the voice, capacity, and power of the farmworker community and engage community partners to organize for economic justice and human rights. We gather the farmworker community to discuss and analyze shared problems and to envision collective solutions. Through this ongoing investment in leadership development, members deepen their skills in community education and organizing for long-term systemic change. From this basis our members have defined community problems as a denial of rights and dignity and have prioritized building a movement to secure these fundamental human rights to 1) Dignified Work and Quality Housing; 2) Freedom of Movement and Access to Transportation; 3) Freedom from discrimination; 4) Access to Health Care.
Learn More & Support Our Panelists
Organization for Refugee & Immigrant Success
Additional Resources
NOFA Organic Land Care Program
Organic Landscaper Search Site
Regenerative Organic Certified (Rodale)