Thank You For Attending The
Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care Workshop Series
Hosted by Merrimack County Conservation District & NOFA-NH
Britt Phillips of Complete Land Organics presented her concluding talk on the Fundamentals of Organic Lawn Care at the Hooksett Public Library on September 18th. Britt’s inspiring, lively discussions of earth-friendly lawn care were enthusiastically received by audiences in Concord, Bow, and Hooksett. NOFA-NH has been happy to co-sponsor these programs with the Merrimack County Conservation District, the Bow and Hooksett Public Libraries, and the Bow Conservation Commission. These programs, supported by a grant obtained by MCCD, have helped to increase public awareness that there are many healthy ways to care for lawns which do not depend upon artificial fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.
The collaboration with MCCD and Britt will continue during our Winter Conference, where we’ll be learning about these practices' potential to improve both public and ecosystem health. Stay tuned for more details!
Getting toxins out of our lawns and public spaces are goals that are also being addressed by legislative efforts in Massachusetts (with vigorous help from NOFA/MASS) and in nationwide public campaigns for toxin free playing fields and backyards initiated by Stonyfield, and Danone among others.
If you'd like to see NOFA-NH become more active in these areas, please consider volunteering for the Education or Policy Committees! Please contact info@nofanh.org to learn more.