Meet Our Members | July 2020
Name and Occupation: Jess and Dan Boynton, Co-Owners & Suellen Skinner, Sheep Shifter and Chicken Tender
Business Name: Serendipity Farm

How long have you been a member of NOFA-NH? I have attended conferences for years, but I believe our farm joined two years ago.
Why did you become a member of NOFA-NH? In addition to supporting the conference and workshops, it is important for us to invest in an organization that supports our farm goals and values. We really appreciate NOFA's regular communications, the bulk ordering in the spring, and the connection to other like-minded farmers with diverse skills and backgrounds.
How has NOFA-NH impacted your business? We have learned some techniques for growing better crops through conference workshops, including honing in our skills in using our new high tunnels. NOFA has also helped us connect with other farms and vendors that may help us scale up when the time is right.
What’s your number one priority for NOFA-NH this year? As a full time science teacher and farmer, I'm constantly learning about how our changing climate is affecting food production across the globe, including in our region. As we develop our farm, we are doing so through a permaculture lens and embracing a more agroecological way of farming. We would love to learn more about how other farms are embracing no-till techniques on a small scale, utilizing green manures without mechanized processing, and planting for success with a changing climate.
How could NOFA-NH better help your business grow? We are still a very young business and both Dan and I, as founders and primary farmers, are working full time off the farm now with my mother, Suellen, taking on the role of day-to-day maintenance. I am hoping to learn more about growing the farm, finding the right employees, and keeping better records.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about becoming a NOFA-NH member? It is well worth the small investment to have access to this excellent network and resource! Support this organization which will return the favor 10 fold!
Does your business have any upcoming activities or events you would like to share with the NOFA-NH community? We do not have any upcoming activities this year due to restrictions around COVID 19 and our work schedules, however, in the past we have offered Farm Days for kids with activities and snacks, and we hope to add a small harvest festival and movies on the farm in the future. Stay tuned!!
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